Search results for References by keep, m.e.
Flamand, J.R.B.; Rochat, K.; Keep, M.E., 1984. An instruction guide to the most commonly and most successfully used methods in rhino capture, handling, transport and release. In: The Wilderness Guardian, Cornfield, T. , ed. Nairobi Space Publications, Nairobi: 585-596, 2 tables


Keep, M.E., 1973. The problems associated with the capture and translocation of the black rhinoceros in Zululand, Republic of South Africa. Lammergeyer 18: 15-20, fig. 1


Keep, M.E., 1973. The use of Etorphine Hydrochloride (M99) (Reckitt), Fentanyl (Janssen) and Hyoscine hydrobromide combination for field capture of white rhinoceros. Lammergeyer 19: 28-30, tables 1-3


Keep, M.E.; Basson, P.A., 1973. Mycobacteriosis in a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis Linnaeus, 1758). Journal of the South African veterinary Association 44: 285-286


Keep, M.E., 1973. The use of Rompun (VA 1470) Bayer on the white rhinoceros. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 4 (3): 21-24


Hitchins, P.M.; Keep, M.E.; Rochat, K., 1972. The capture of the black rhinoceros in Hluhluwe Game Reserve and their translocation to the Kruger National Park. Lammergeyer 17: 18-30, figs. 1-3, tables 1-2


Keep, M.E., 1972. The use of 'Rompun' (VA 1470) Bayer on the white rhinoceros. Lammergeyer 17: 31-35, tables 1-3


Keep, M.E., 1971. Observable criteria for assessing the physical condition of the white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum in the field. Lammergeyer 13: 25-28, figs. 1-5


Keep, M.E., 1971. Etorphine hydrochloride antagonists used in the capture of the white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum. Lammergeyer 13: 60-68, tables 1-4


Baker, M.K.; Keep, M.E., 1970. Checklist of the ticks found on the larger game animals in the Natal game reserves. Lammergeyer 12: 41-47


Bigalke, R.D.; Keep, M.E.; Keep, P.J.; Schoeman, J.H., 1970. A large Babesia sp. and a Theileria-like piroplasm of the square-lipped rhinoceros. Journal of the South African Veterinary Medicine Association 41 (4): 292-294, figs. 1-2, table 1


Hitchins, P.M.; Keep, M.E., 1970. Observations on skin lesions of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis Linn.) in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve, Zululand. Lammergeyer 12: 56-65, pls. 1-6, figs. 1-2, table 1


Keep, M.E., 1970. A checklist of the blood parasites recorded from the larger wild mammals in Zululand. Lammergeyer 11: 54-57, table 1


Osterhoff, D.R.; Keep, M.E., 1970. Natural variation in the blood proteins of white and black rhinos. Lammergeyer 11: 50-57, figs. 1-3


Keep, M.E., 1969. Veterinary aid. Lammergeyer 10: 100


Keep, M.E.; Tinley, J.L.; Rochat, K.; Clark, J.V., 1969. The immobilization and translocation of black rhinoceroses Diceros bicornis using Etorphine Hydrochloride (M99). Lammergeyer 10: 4-11, tables 1-4


Keep, M.E., 1968. Report upon the immobilization of white rhinoceros using Fentanyl (R4263). Report to Natal Parks Board., pp. 1-4


Keep, M.E., 1968. Timely veterinary aid. Lammergeyer 9: 43-44
